Friday, February 27, 2009

The Echo Within

The Echo Within by: Robert Benson is a short read but it didn't connect with me. It felt a bit "new-agey." I am not overly-structured in my opinions about how God speaks to people or even the paths that can used to finding your true calling. But, this book felt less about finding your true calling than about finding a way to feel warm and fuzzy about whatever you want...I don't know much about the author besides what can be found on his blog.

I guess my review is: I struggled to get thru the book and I wouldn't recommend it.
Here is the book summary anyway--
The Echo Within is written out Robert Benson's own lifelong search for and response to the calling voice of God, he recounts his discovery of the meaning of vocation, work, and purpose through the ups and downs inherent in family life, professional choice, and spiritual experience. With clarity and insight, and in the elegant prose for which he is known, he gently invites and encourages readers to find such deep truths for their lives as well. In particular, he illuminates the way for readers to explore:
·ways to sense the Holy in our pursuits, both in the pursuits themselves and within ourselves.
·how to fall into our vocation and chart a course toward it at the same time.
·how to love the work we do, and the process of doing it.
For anyone beginning a new career or sensing a needed change in their life or wrestling with a transition suddenly thrust upon them, Robert Benson delivers wisdom, humor, and heart in what he’s learned about listening for The Echo Within—and how it can help us discover our calling.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Little Mommy"

This morning, this was my Facebook Status report: "Sharon changed Teddy Bear's "Nasty Poopy" for 3rd time. Put Teddy in a onesie, socks, & blanket, in a doll car seat - I think NOW we can get in the car. OH MY!!!"

It was an adventure for the "Little Mommy" and me, to say the least. Here are the photos I took...note the diaper bag and purse.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Toddler Time

On Monday, Sybella and I attended her first Toddler Time class. We had fun! She enjoyed herself so much. There are about 8 kids in the group.

Since I worked when the other kids were little, I have attended Mom's Groups, playgroups, soccer camps, summer camps, and Library reading times BUT, I have never attended a structured "class" for 2-year-olds. It was a new experience: lots of songs, obstacle courses, bubbles, balloons, music instruments, puppets, & bean bags (along with Total Parent Participation). I felt a bit weird and silly, probably the structured & serious part of my personality...however, then I thought, "My mom did this stuff when I was little, and she LOVED it, I'm quite sure." So, I smiled and knew that I will get used to it. Abandoning the serious part of my personality (in a group setting) for a little while and feeling silly is a "minor" in the big picture of wanting to be a part of my kids lives!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Winter Violin Concert

Colin had his Winter Violin Concert on Wednesday night. He has really enjoyed the violin and is always excited to showcase his skills. He played very well as did the rest of the kids. The whole family attended (including Granda). Great Family Fun!

Family / Pregnant Pics

I am NOT one for pregnant pictures. I look much slimmer when I look in the mirror than I ever do in these "WIDE"-angle lens pictures...the injustice! But, for the sake of posterity, I got us all together for a family picture the other night; the sacrifices we make for family and friends that don't get to experience the pregnancy process up close. So, enjoy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Without turning this into a debate of whether or not parents should "count to 3" or not when waiting for children to follow an instruction or to obey, I will say that I count. I have always wanted my kids to know that: as they make choices about how to handle themselves, that there are time limits. Decision making nor it's repercussions will wait forever. This has always worked....until a few weeks ago; I have a 2-yr old for the first time in a while. Last week, I had given Sybella an instruction and she wasn't sure if she wanted to obey or not, after pausing for a second, I calmly said, "One." Sybella shocked me by replying, "two!" I busted out laughing! What do you say?!
The next day, a similar situation happened, except that Sybella's "two" was accompanied by giggles and a look like, "I am so smart." OH MY, the drama with a girl; so different than the boys! :)
Every once in a while, I forget that counting is not an effective tool for Sybella....she now will say, "two" and after waiting about 2 seconds, follows it with "three." Is this self-parenting or a sign of how the teenage years are going to be??
But be honest, she's cute!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

President's National Prayer Breakfast

For the first time in its 57-year history the National Prayer Breakfast will be available for viewing “live” over the Internet.  You have to understand that there is no photography or filming of this event allowed. The only camera authorized in the banquet hall is the one that records the event for the National Archives. The White House Press Corps is given access for 2 minutes when the President first arrives. 

In my opinion the limited access would be enough of a reason to check this out. But the NPB keynote speaker is always someone who has global influence and delivers a powerful message. Past speakers have included people like: rock star - Bono and the respected Mother Teresa of Calcutta. 

You can watch live or delayed for $5. The speaker is always kept a secret until the morning of the breakfast but I can promise between President Obama and the keynote speaker...YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!