Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer in the Pool

This summer has been a great opportunity to spend time at the pool. The pool is a sorta "magical" place where age doesn't matter. Many activities we partake in are designed for 'little' kids and at those times, my awesome older kids indulge all of us by genuinely participating. Then there are activities or sporting events that are for the older kids. For these, we just take the little ones along with lots of snacks and toys and try to disrupt nap time as little as possible. There are some events that all of the kids can enjoy, but even these take some planning and thinking about how to maximize the experience for each of the kids.
However, at the pool, the age challenges all just wash away (pun intended). Whether you are 11, 8, 2 1/2, or just a wee baby, the pool is for you! The older kids can hang out with their friends, swim, practice new tricks off the diving board & all around enjoy themselves. Sybella loves the baby pool and playing with all the water toys. And, now, she is tall enough to stand in the shallow end of the big pool (with her floatees of course), which she also thinks is great. At the mandatory 'rest break' the older kids have to get out of the pool and they always come find their sister in the baby pool and play with her. And now, even Cooper is 'chillin' in the pool.

P.S. This year was the first year that I have gotten swim shirts for the kids and can I just say that those things are awesome! I am so much less nervous about sunburn.

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