Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Operation Christmas Child

Sharon and I met the staff of Samaritan's Purse and had the opportunity to hear from Franklin Graham while in Atlanta. We took time pack some boxes and check out the temporary facility they had set up in Atlanta for Operation Christmas Child (OCC). We both though the idea was a great way to help our family engage in making a difference this holiday season. We also thought it would be great way to set the stage for giving and understanding that there are so many in the world today that are without. 

SO...last weekend we turned part of our basement into a packing center. First we took the boys to the local Wal-Mart and had them spend their money to purchase gifts to pack in the boxes. We took everything home and took time to stuff boxes full of calculators, balls, cars, personal notes, toothpaste, snacks, crayons, pencils, name it and we were filling them up. 

We had a blast, it did not take a lot of time and it was an exciting way to start the holiday season by driving home a message that we are called to give to the poor, the widow, and the orphan. 

I encourage to check out more about Operation Christmas Child (OCC) and consider taking an hour out of your day to impact lives across the globe. 

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