Monday, January 7, 2008

50 in 52

By: Sharon
50 in 52? What is that? Let me tell you.

I have loved reading as long as I can remember. A friend suggested Shelfari to me a couple of months ago; It's a site on which you record the books you've read or are reading. You can rate books, join book groups, write reviews of books, and share opinions or notes with your friends. I think it's a great idea and I have found that it has a particular relevence in my life recently---back to the 50 in 52; I have embarked on a journey...I will read 50 books in 52 weeks!

The goal of this endeavor is to read a mix of fiction, spiritual, financial, parenting, marriage, business, and personal growth books. I would like to focus my reading on stretching the capacity of my mind. I feel like I have been a bit on the stagnant side in 2007. Personal growth (stretching myself mentally) will be a high priority during this adventure and yet I don't want it to be ALL work. I would like to continue to enjoy reading :D So, I WILL allow myself to read books that I like, just for fun. (I will try not to reread any books that I have already read.) I will be using Shelfari to get suggestions and post my reading. I started this journey on Dec 10, 2007 and will continue until Dec 14, 2008. Go to shelfari to see the books I love and see if we have any in common. Then suggest a book so I can keep on reading.
I will post updates to my reading status here on the blog as I hit goals or challenges.
My first goal was to finish 4 books by January 6th. I finished 5! So, I am on my way to the second marker: to have finished 10 total books by February 20th. I'll let you know!
If you want to check out my bookshelf go to

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